Eating Disorder Dietitians & Nutritionists in New York City
In Person and Virtual Nutrition Counseling for Eating Disorders & Complicated Food Relationships
New York City
Below are some resources for those in eating disorder recovery.
Project Heal — scholarships for eating disorder treatment
Fight Health Insurance — support with health insurance appeals
International Federation of Eating Disorder Dietitians (IFEDD) - support with insurance denials
National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) — general information of about eating disorders
Fighting Eating Disorders in Underrepresented Populations (FEDUP) - eating disorder recovery resources for trans+ and intersex people
Manhattan Alternative - directory of trans and lgbq affirming psychotherapists (can filter for disordered eating specialty)
Relief Resources - mental health referral service for the Jewish community
Association for Size Diversity & Health - organization dedicated to promoting size inclusivity in health
Leading Eating Disorder Awareness Project for AAPI (LEAP) - eating disorder recovery resources for the Asian American and Pacific Islander community​
BIPoC Eating Disorder Providers - a comprehensive list of BiPoC providers specializing in eating disorders